Posted by Hari on Saturday, October 18, 2014 with 1 comment | Labels: Article, Austerity, benefits, Graphs, inequality, jobs, pay, Ready, taxation
The BBC also reported that inspite of bumper top wage growth and generally falling unemployment, income tax revenues were going to fall below expectations. Why is this?
The following may provide some explanation:
1) The Bank of England's May 2014 Inflation Report shows that the number of "full time employees" (the dark green lines in the graph below) had not recovered since the 2008 banker induced crash. The 'jobs recovery' is made up mainly of part-time and self-employed jobs.
2) The ONS stated, for April 2013, the average wage for Part-Time workers is far less than Full-Time. Not surprising, as they work fewer hours:
- Full Time: £517 per week
- Part Time: £160 per week
4) Even for those who are full time employees, companies have increased their profits by keeping down pay. According to Gavyn Davies, hedge fund manager, former Goldman Sachs partner, and former chairman of the BBC, two thirds of corporate profits come from holding wages down:

"[If the] decline in the wage share had not occurred, and everything else had (implausibly) stayed the same, then gross profits in the developed economies would have been about one-third lower than they are today and net profits (after depreciation) would have been about two-thirds lower."
Some will assert high profits are good for you indirectly as corporation tax (paying for public services) and dividends (for pension funds). They hope you don't notice, and perhaps themselves don't realise, for every £10 taken from your paypacket only a fraction comes back in tax & dividends.
5) The Office of National Statistics (ONS) Labour Market Statistics count "anybody who carries out at least one hour’s paid work in a week" as "being employed". Which means people are dropping off the unemployment figures even though they may be earning just £6.50 for one hour's work in a month.
The jobs "recovery" is not really the result of brilliant politicians, businessmen, and austerity bringing employment back to the nation. It is the result of Britons taking even a single hour's work when it is available.

Sad to think the cartoon above is not very funny, more like real life these days. But the bankers still prosper (no doubt filling their boots at every chance) !