Posted by Hari on Saturday, December 06, 2014 with No comments | Labels: Article, Austerity, Big Society, budget cuts, credit crunch, Graphs, NHS, outsourcing, public sector, Ready

When questioned about this on BBC Radio4's Today Programme George Osborne retorted "Has the World fallen in? No it has not!". If Osborne's measure of economic success is the World not "falling in", perhaps he isn't doing so badly. Others may use other measures.
We are in a 'low wage recovery', where the rewards of relatively strong GDP growth are being kept by the few. Lower wages for the many and lowering tax rates for the few (top rate income tax and corporation tax) means no increase in government receipts.
The OBR put this planned collapse in spending in pounds and pence:
"Between 2009-10 and 2019-20, spending on public services, administration and grants by central government is projected to fall from 21.2 per cent to 12.6 per cent of GDP and from £5,650 to £3,880 per head in 2014-15 prices."
The politically non-aligned Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned of more "colossal" spending cuts to come if the government aims to eliminate the deficit by austerity alone:
Colossal cuts to come, on top of the colossal cuts that have already happened. The NHS is evidence of what is happening. A report by the National Audit Office shows National Health Service providers are falling into deficit like a row of toppling dominoes. The report states:
"The total number of providers in deficit increased from 25 in 2012-13 (10% of all secondary providers) to 64 in 2013-14 (26% of all secondary providers).
There were 5 NHS trusts in deficit at the end of 2012-13 and 22 at the end of 2013-14 [plus one more trust that was dissolved in October 2013, making a total of 23 trusts in deficit during 2013‑14].
The number of foundation trusts in deficit doubled from 20 in 2012-13 to 41 in 2013‑14."
There were 5 NHS trusts in deficit at the end of 2012-13 and 22 at the end of 2013-14 [plus one more trust that was dissolved in October 2013, making a total of 23 trusts in deficit during 2013‑14].
The number of foundation trusts in deficit doubled from 20 in 2012-13 to 41 in 2013‑14."
The graph below shows how the dominoes are falling. 18 trusts which had neither a surplus or deficit in 2012-13 went into deficit in 2013-14. The graph shows another 10 trusts in 2013-14 with neither surplus nor deficit, perhaps to be the next dominoes to fall?
Fuscia and green text in graph above added by us |
This rule was specifically designed as a penalty to make hospitals restrict their A&E services.
Are the Tories fighting a righteous fight to bring down the cost of an excessively expensive health service? Not according to figures from the World Bank they aren't. UK health spending as a percentage of GDP is below the US, France, Germany, and below average for the European Union overall.
World Bank Figures |
The National Audit Office report in November 2014, before the £300 million mentioned above was announced, said in 2013-14 another £500 million was lobbed at the NHS to keep the creditors at bay and to pay staff:
"[The] report notes that financial risk is increasing in NHS trusts and foundation trusts, and those in severe financial difficulty continue to rely on in-year cash support from the Department of Health. In 2013-14, over £0.5 billion extra money was issued to 21 NHS trusts and 10 foundation trusts to ensure that organisations in difficulty have the cash they need to pay staff and creditors."
Tossing a few hundred million here and there to plaster over the cracks is evidently the government's short term strategy to stop the World "falling in" before the next election. Will Dave and George pull it off? It's up to us voters, and we'll find out in May 2015.
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